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How acting is the greatest stress buster in modern times

Acting is the only field which trains you to become comfortable with your vulnerabilities in front of others. As an actor you are required to be happy, sad, angry, nervous, jealous and live many other emotions. In our real life we are quite successful in hiding these emotions or suppress these emotions in front of others.

When it comes to acting, as an actor you are trained to live these emotion to the fullest infront of the audience or for camera. A magical impact what everyone witness or feel after spending few weeks or months into the field of acting is that they feel more calmer and relaxed.

Image courtesy: Creative Bites Academy

As an actor you are trained to live a scene to the fullest or feel the emotion as if the given scene is really happening. In this process of trying to live a scene, you start to borrow emotions from your real life. Imagine those emotions which you have not expressed to the fullest and have been hiding all these while within your chest and suppressing them for a very long time finally finds an exit point through acting. Once you start living those emotions externally which you had been accumulating over the years it lightens you up big time.

Image courtesy: Creative Bites Academy

The more you act infront of audience the more your brain gets trained to live the emotions and not to suppress or hide them. The people who learn acting become more expressive over a period of time as their brain starts getting wired more differently than earlier. Hence over a period of time it become more easier for them to express their point of view, talk to people around them, express their love, feelings, likes, deslikes etc.

"Emotions in humans are to be lived and expressed and not be held back and suppressed"

Emotions in humans are to be lived and expressed and not to be held back or buried in their heart. For those who find it difficult to speak their mind, stand infront of audience, laugh out loud, say no to things, talk to people comfortably, or feel certain emotion, acting is highly recommended.


Tanveer Ahmed

Director at Creative Bites Academy

Acting & Film School in UAE

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